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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
Effective May 17, 2023
Carp Automations values the privacy of those who visit our websites and register for our software and services online. We think it is important for you to understand when and why we collect personally identifiable information and how we may use it. This Privacy Policy describes Carp Automations' data collection and use policies. Please read the entire Privacy Policy before providing any personally identifiable information to us.


Carp Automations collects personally identifiable information, such as your name, address, telephone number, or e-mail address, only if you provide this information to us voluntarily. The voluntary information we collect is used to complete transactions; ensure appropriate legal use of licensed Carp Automations software; provide notification to licensees about updates to Carp Automations’ and our affiliates’ software, data, and services; and help provide technical and product support to our users. Where appropriate, Carp Automations may pass this data to a Carp Automations affiliate or vendor whose software, data, and services are used to meet your needs or process transactions. Our affiliates and vendors are also committed to protecting personally identifiable information as described in their privacy statements/policies.

Carp Automations may also use your name, address, and e-mail to send you marketing materials, and newsletters unless you notify us that you do not want to receive these materials. Occasionally, Carp Automations uses the services of bonded mailing houses that are authorized to use your personally identifiable data only for the benefit of Carp Automations and its affiliates.

Carp Automations assumes no responsibility for the privacy practices of third parties’ websites and suggests you review the privacy statements/policies on such websites before sharing your personally identifiable data.


Certain information, such as the Internet Protocol (IP) address of your computer, may be stored through the use of “cookies” intended to speed access to Carp Automations' information and services. A cookie is a small file that can be used to tell us when you visit our websites and track your browsing preferences. Carp Automations does not use cookies to store information such as credit card numbers, telephone numbers, or other information you provide. To maintain your privacy, you can disable your browser’s ability to accept cookies.

Carp Automations websites and software installation may require registration to gain access to special services, authorization codes, license keys, or other features. This information will be used to provide support and deliver specialized services.

Carp Automations may also collect personally identifiable information you provide when you order and register software, data, or services; enter contests; order newsletters; register for training or conferences; or make requests that require a direct response to you.

Carp Automations' website uses third-party web analytics services that collect and aggregate web activity data. These services may record your mouse clicks, mouse movements, scrolling activity, and any text you type on the website. The services do not collect personally identifiable information that you do not voluntarily enter on Carp Automations' website and do not track your browsing habits across websites that do not use the services.


If you submit personal information, Carp Automations may contact you or send you marketing information about software or services. If you do not wish to receive this information, you may notify us by sending an e-mail to information as a result of your election to be removed from mailing lists.

Other than as described in this Privacy Policy, Carp Automations will not disclose or authorize others to disclose your personally identifiable information unless required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to (1) conform to legal requirements or prevent fraud or imminent harm, (2) protect and defend the rights or property of Carp Automations, or (3) as part of a transfer of assets to a successor in interest.

Except as stated, Carp Automations does not rent, sell, or otherwise share personally identifiable information.


Carp Automations will permit you to access information about you in our database by contacting If you believe any of the information is incorrect or needs updating, please advise us. We will correct our records upon verification of the requested change. If you no longer wish to receive e-mail or postal notifications about software, services, or special promotions, please let us know by sending an e-mail to us at and specifying that you do not want to receive these notifications. Please provide us with your exact name and address as well as a description of the publication or mail piece you received. We will use reasonable efforts to refrain from including you when sending marketing materials to Carp Automations clients by noting your election in our database.


Carp Automations will take reasonable and prudent precautions to ensure that your personally identifiable data is protected against unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.


If you believe for any reason that Carp Automations has not followed these principles, please contact us at and Carp Automations will act promptly to investigate, correct as appropriate, and advise you of the correction. Please identify the issue as a Privacy Policy concern in your communication to Carp Automations.

Policy Modifications

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. If and/or when Carp Automations makes changes to this Privacy Policy, the updated version will be posted on this page. We encourage you to visit this page periodically.